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In the video below, Darren Sugiyama delivers the keynote speech at Aflac's Annual Kickoff Meeting, talking about the beginning stages of his insurance career and how to overcome the adversities and challenges that come with being a new agent.



The 27-minute video below is an excerpt from one of Darren Sugiyama's Zoom webinars about the science of developing a successful mindset. 


As a performance coach to many, Darren works with groups of executives and high-level sales team to maximize their results by re-wiring the way your people process information. 


His teachings can literally change the way your people deal with stress, anxiety, and worry in regards to performance.



Darren Sugiyama has worked with sales teams all over the country, teaching them how to be more effective communicators. 


He has also designed sales & marketing processes, as well as agent training programs for both multi-billion dollar insurance carriers, as well as boutique agencies, teaching their agents how to better communicate with their clients.


In the video below, several Colonial Life agents talk about the impact of Darren Sugiyama's communication coaching has multiplied their results in several different regions around the country.


BenefitMall is the largest wholesaling group benefits General Agency in the  entire country.  In the video below, some of their executives talk about their own experience attending one of Darren Sugiyama's private business development coaching events in Dallas, Texas.

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